Workplace First Aid Training

first aid workplace training

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3 Days

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£100 - £180

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15 Max

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Local Venue

What is Workplace First Aid training?

Workplace First Aid Training equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to save lives and mitigate the impact of injuries and illnesses during medical emergencies.

During a medical emergency, First Aid at Work courses are essential for providing immediate assistance until professional medical help arrives. These courses empower trained employees to administer treatment for minor injuries that are not life-threatening, thereby ensuring that such injuries receive proper care even without the intervention of healthcare professionals.

The primary objective of workplace first aid training is to safeguard lives, prevent deterioration of conditions, and support the process of recovery. By undergoing this training, employees can effectively assume the role of a first aider within their workplace.

What does the training course cover?

Workplace First Aid Training consists of a comprehensive 3-day course with two essential units that participants must complete in order to obtain the qualification.

The initial unit, 'Emergency First Aid in the Workplace,' focuses on the responsibilities and obligations of a first aider, as well as the appropriate methods to administer first aid to an unresponsive individual.

The second unit, 'Recognition and Management of Illness and Injury in the Workplace,' provides instruction on first aid techniques for various medical emergencies, including spinal injuries, chest injuries, burns, eye injuries, and sudden poisoning.

Upon successful completion of these units, participants emerge as fully qualified workplace first aiders, equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle emergencies effectively.

Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace

  • Role and responsibilities of a first aider
  • Assessing an incident
  • First aid for an unresponsive casualty (Includes CPR and the use of an AED)
  • First aid for choking
  • First aid for external bleeding
  • First aid for shock
  • First aid for minor injuries

Unit 2: Recognition and Management of:
  • Illness and Injury in the Workplace
  • Conducting a secondary survey
  • First aid for injuries to bones, muscles, and joints
  • First aid for head and spinal injuries
  • First aid for chest injuries
  • First aid for burns and scalds
  • First aid for eye injuries
  • First aid for sudden poisoning
  • First aid for anaphylaxis resulting from allergies
  • First aid for major illness

How is Workplace First Aid training assessed?

Workplace First Aid Training, spanning over three days, evaluates participants through a combination of six practical application assessments and two theory-based examinations in multiple-choice format.

Unit 1 requires delegates to showcase their competence in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) during practical assessments. Following the CPR demonstration, learners are evaluated on their ability to safely operate an automated external defibrillator (AED) and administer first aid while placing the casualty in the recovery position.

In Unit 2, participants are assessed on their practical skills in providing first aid in various scenarios, including handling choking or bleeding casualties, as well as those suspected of having fractures or experiencing shock. These practical assessments occur at different intervals throughout the classroom sessions, while the written examinations take place at the conclusion of the first and third days of training.

How long does it take?

The workplace first-aid course involves 18 hours of learning and is most commonly delivered by a trainer over three full classroom-based days.

Where does the training take place?

The Workplace First Aid course can be conducted either at your own site, our training center in Derry, or alternatively, we can arrange a local venue for you anywhere in Northern Ireland.

Who needs this training?

Workplace First Aid Training is a mandatory obligation for businesses. Employers are responsible for ensuring the presence of sufficient first aid coverage within their workplace. The specific level of coverage required varies, depending on factors such as operational processes, staff size, workspace layout, and proximity to medical facilities like hospitals or emergency departments. In Northern Ireland, Easi Med Training provides comprehensive First Aid at Work training services tailored to businesses.

Why is Workplace First Aid Training Important?

Workplace First Aid Training is a legal requirement for employers, as mandated by health and safety laws. This obligation entails planning and ensuring the availability of adequate first aid coverage during working hours. By equipping employees with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to provide first aid in emergencies, employers demonstrate their commitment to prioritizing the health, safety, and well-being of their workforce. This commitment fosters a positive health and safety culture within the organization.

Want to learn more?
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